Monday, March 07, 2005

Straight lines

are overrated. Why is it when you try to hang a picture on a perfectly flush wall, your entire sense of perception, straightness, centering, whatever, fails? I am sure that Home Depot makes some sort of tool that measures, levels and draws the dot for your nail (all the while giving you a massage and holding your beer), but I of the two handed species, cannot seem to get it all coordinated correctly to hang a Martha-approved picture in my home (sorry, for the plug for a criminal, but I am feeling a sordid glee by how much attention is being paid to one of the richest 'poor lady' liars and I had to join in). Luckily, I have a partner in crime who has 2 hands also and we managed to hang 11 pictures. And if they are all slightly askew, who's to say what straight is?


At 10:38 AM, Blogger njm said...

it's because you're short...


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