Thursday, March 03, 2005

Hello Life

I'm back to living my life, going home after work without something hanging over my head. Yippee! I mailed the grant application yesterday at 2:30 and have felt lighter ever since. Course, now I have to go through all of the emails that I have left sitting in one inbox or another, (seriously, I'll get to every one - sorry if I've been bad about replying) and I have to make sure that there will be library shelves to move all of my books onto when PS moves to our new location at the end of the month.

So, here's to crockpots that ensure that dinner's ready when you walk in the door. Here's to the nice clerk at the Post Office who said that I was the happiest customer he'd seen all day. Here's to Brain for listening to me worry and gripe about the horrific process of writing a grant. And here's to the sun for at least making it look good outside (even though it's actually cold enough to freeze snot as you take the first breath upon walking out the front door). And, here's to date night tonight and game night tomorrow night.

Happy Birthday to Melisa - so sorry we'll miss the par-ty, we're lame, but we've been trying to schedule the babysitting xmas gift for my brother and his wife and we're running out of weekends. [We'll be free just about in time for your NEXT party in 2006!] Have fun and drink a glass (or two) for us.

Oh, and the first televised Red Sox spring training game is on NESN tonight, against the Twins (aka the Twinkies). Here's to baseball.


At 10:53 PM, Blogger Chris said...

here's to one of the greatest quotes ever -"even though it's actually cold enough to freeze snot"
Congrats on the grant being done nad getting life back.


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