Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Man, it feels good to be a champion

Ok, so I'm not personally a champion, and I won't actually get a ring this year, but I love that Boston is riding so high in sports. And I love how people in this area rally behind the players and the team. In the big scheme of things, professional athletes may make too much money and they may be otherwise terrible people, but the fun, goodwill and respite from thinking about all of the negative stuff in this world that a great game provides sure is welcome. I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend the parade in downtown Boston this morning, but I am feeling serious football pride these days.

Bryan and I had a smash hit on our hands on Sunday night. Lots of friends got to see the new place, not that it's much to look at....yet. And we had some exciting pool action (gambling not swimming...brrrr). I'm still trying to eat all of the left over chips. Thanks for coming everyone.

Now, I am trying to write a narrative for a grant that would highly benefit the excellent organization for which I work. I kind of feel like I am back in college, trying to write an essay for a class about which I really care, but just don't know where to start. At least some of my undergrad education/training is coming in handy (kind of) years later.

Sometimes I love that my blog is called Ramblings of a... cause I really do loooove to ramble.

In apartment news, Joe and I rented my 2nd floor room to a very nice person who will move in at the end of February. That's a weight off the proverbial (financial) shoulders. And this new roommie has a grill so I no longer have to lose sleep about the beef, chicken and ribs that would've become dinner without ever wearing those fashionable black 'grill marks'. Seriously, I'm done. Have a good night.


At 3:35 PM, Blogger HAGC said...

You already got a ring my dear!


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