Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Quarter of a century

The year was 1980. The place: a small hospital in upstate New York. The event: the birth of a baby who would one day use his statistical prowess to compile a list of all that's important in the world. It's gonna be a long list though, so we may have to wait a few more years. Happiest birfday to Brain.

In grosser, un-happy news, I have been cleaning mouse crap from my work space all day. I am sorting papers and books in preparation of the packing for our move and have found an alarming amound of Mickey Mouse shit. Great.

This past weekend started with pizza, beer and games at our very own kitchen table. It was lovely until we pulled out CatchPhrase. Bryan and I had differing philosophies about the method of play and this led to some serious competition (which I'm happy to say resulted in an ass whooping by team Jill/Rich). I will definitely play that ridiculous game again, but I may need to abuse heavy drugs first.

On Saturday, I had to forego Heather and Adam's going away party, which I heard was smashing, to travel to Connecticut. There, I caught up with my friends from the good ol' CT days, saw Nicole open A LOT of plates, met her wonderful family and then traveled back to Framingham in time to watch my grandmother blow out the candles on her birthday cake. I worked on President's Day so that I can take this coming Thursday off to spend with Bryan's sister and family when they visit Boston. I am trying to convince everyone to go to the Children's Museum cause I love it there. I think I see a giant teacup in my future.

Good luck to the Corey's - though I didn't attend that many, I'll miss date night at your house and watching Ranger put his head repeatedly in Bryan's lap. Keep us posted on your life in DC.


At 1:22 PM, Blogger Bryan said...

Well, aren't we quick to make unfounded assumptions about the size of Glens Falls hospital? Thanks for the mention... and for everything else.

Does Mickey Mouse have human-sized feces? That's even more disgusting.


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