Two weeks into the new year, the excitement of the holidays has fully passed and I've turned my thoughts to the coming year. I am not one to make resolutions, but there are some things that I would like to be better about this year and I figured putting them down in 12-point font would help me sort them all out (and maybe stick to them).
*I would like to get healthier; more exercise, healthier eating, etc. I don't have a lot of vices like smoking or coffee, but I also don't have a huge inclination toward movement when I don't have to. As a first step toward meeting this goal, I am hoping to purchase an elliptical trainer tomorrow. Bye-bye fat.
*As Bryan put it, I need to start cooking safer and driving nicer. I do tend to get a bit aggravated when I place my vehicle on paved sections of the earth where other people are simultaneously moving in their own vehicles. I would like to relax a bit more when behind the wheel. Course, getting a new car could help this; it is pretty difficult to relax when you are also worried about your car dying on you in mid-drive. And, time management could help since I am usually late for wherever I am heading thus causing me to feel, um, frustrated with those driving 55 on a 55 mph road.
Cooking safer has to do with the burns that are sprinkled on my right hand/arm and face today. I was curing my new wok with oil, a process that requires one to heat up oil in the wok and then move it around with a cloth or paper towel. I was using a paper towel and at some point, I jerked my wrist upward for some reason and splashed hot oil on various exposed patches of skin. I am now sporting angry red welts and a new resolution to be more careful in the kitchen.
*I am trying to swear less. I started this before the new year, and some days I am more successful than others. I am attempting to insert other colorful terms into my day like "Nuts!" "Drat!" and "Monkeyballs!" to replace the usual language of the truckers that enjoys rolling off my tongue. However, when I burn my face with hot oil, it's Fuck all the way.
So, these are my goals. I would also like to spend my money more wisely and learn to fix more things around the house. And I should read more books - ha ha - ok, that's not true. I just needed to put something in here that I actually do so that I don't feel like I've accomplished nothing.
In other news, I won a contest on the radio station 92.5 the River. They asked for a poem or limerick explaining what Santa didn't bring that I really wanted. I submitted this:
There once was a woman named Jill
who like to take pictures until
her camera was berated,
"Not digital? It's outdated!"
But her request from Santa brought nil.
I won a $500 gift certificate to Cambridge Soundworks for this little gem. Woohoo - I'm gonna be a digital-photo-snappin' fool!
Still looking for a roommate to take my room on the second floor when Bryan and I move downstairs. If anyone knows of someone clean and resposible, let me know; rent is in the $600 range all utilities included (just no phone, cause we all use cellular technology).
Have a great weekend. Enjoy MLK Jr. day - read an article or watch a documentary about his life and work - it's still good thinking even 40+ years later.