Wednesday, June 14, 2006

And our "President" wants to give people tax cuts. Oh, and then there's that little war overseas...

From the Mass Library news listserv:
Town Meeting has voted to fund Medway Library $107,342. (Far below the current budget of $284,784.) With this funding, combined with a revolving fund and a trust fund, the library will be open 20 hours per week and retain 3 staff members. The library will not be replacing the Director, not replacing the custodian and will not be purchasing books or other materials.


Happy Flag Day.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Home Alone

Well, the rain has passed, leaving in its path some baseball havoc and a lot of puddles on my driveway. We had tickets to last night's game, which was postponed due to the rain and the playing of the make-up day game. The day game was supposed to start at 1:20, but didn't actually begin until 6:10. So, ever valiant, Bryan, and I and the Moynihans 2 drove to Boston to get tickets to that game figuring that there would be a lot of empty seats.

We bought standing room tickets for $20 from the box office and sat first in section 28 on the 3rd-base line, then stood in section 21 behind home plate, before finally finding our spot in section 11, row 1, about 40 rows up from first base. It's the first time I've ever watched a game from all three vantage points at Fenway, and for the bargain price of 20 bucks. Then, our game was postponed until today at noon so Bryan, Pat and Rob are off at that game whilst I sit and wait for the throngs of people eager to buy my house...ok, I'm actually sitting here alone, reading Brighton Rock by Graham Greene, listening to smooth jazz, breathing in the soft scent of the Cookies & Cream Yankee candle and the candied pecans I have baking (I read that you want the house to smell really good, and my god, it does). I would buy my house - hahahaha.

I just found out that the town's Flag Day Parade was cancelled in lieu of a "Celebration Festival" and that there are some pretty big World Cup games on today, so I'm competing with some heavy stuff. But all it takes is one offer...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wanna buy a vowel?

How 'bout this house?

We have officially decided to put the house on the market and are having an Open House this Sunday from 1-4. This decision has brought with it a flurry of home improvements: porch painting, mulching, room de-cluttering. As a result, I have some sweet calluses on my hands and the smell of mulch pervades my dreams. But our rooms are knickknack-free and as spacious as they can be.

Aside from the terrifying prospect of selling my house this weekend (we have no actual plan in place to move, just an idea about where we would like to move), we also have tix to the Sox on Saturday, at which time we get the pleasure of showing off Fenway Park to the cutest twins I know (well, the only twins I know, but they're still pretty cute, 'specially when they shake their bootys). We might get to see Beckett pitch, which would be pretty cool. Speaking of baseball, pretty great to see He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named doubled up on a bad base-running decision tonight in the very decisive and satisfying Sox win against the Satans. Dingers!

In fish news, 3 more of our fish went to the great fishbowl in the sky. RIP fishies.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Oh, to be a guy

Apparently, 2 guys made a video of the effects of Mentos on Diet Coke. It's pretty cool.

Then, to top that, 3 or 4 guys made a video to show some other, um, attributes of a 2-liter bottle of soda. Hilarious! Makes me want to launch that bottle of Sprite sitting in the fridge at work.

There's a new book about what an ass Bill O'Reilly is and it has one of the best titles I've ever heard. Here's a review of Sweet Jesus, I Hate Bill O'Reilly.

"What kind of a world do we live in where a man dressed up as a President gets all of my press"

As if this needed to be said...

Poll of Voters: Bush Worst President Since World War II
By E&P Staff

Published: June 01, 2006 10:30 AM ET
NEW YORK A new Quinnipiac Poll finds American voters selecting George W. Bush as easily the worst American president in the past 61 years, with fellow Republican Ronald Reagan picked as the best.

Bush was named by 34% of voters, followed by Richard Nixon at 17% and Bill Clinton at 16%, according to the Quinnipiac University national poll of over 1,500 voters released today. Leading the list for best President since 1945 is Ronald Reagan with 28%, and Clinton with 25%.

While Democrats and Republicans split widely on the "worst" choice, 35% independent voters picked Bush.

Among young voters, 42% listed Bush as worst, while Clinton "won" for worst among white Protestants.

The main reason cited by voters who disapprove of Bush is the war in Iraq -- listed by 43%. By 56% to 39% they say that that going to war in Iraq was the wrong thing to do. Nearly 6 in 10 want withdrawal of troops from Iraq.

From May 23 - 30, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,534 registered voters nationwide. The survey has a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points.