Thursday, June 08, 2006

Wanna buy a vowel?

How 'bout this house?

We have officially decided to put the house on the market and are having an Open House this Sunday from 1-4. This decision has brought with it a flurry of home improvements: porch painting, mulching, room de-cluttering. As a result, I have some sweet calluses on my hands and the smell of mulch pervades my dreams. But our rooms are knickknack-free and as spacious as they can be.

Aside from the terrifying prospect of selling my house this weekend (we have no actual plan in place to move, just an idea about where we would like to move), we also have tix to the Sox on Saturday, at which time we get the pleasure of showing off Fenway Park to the cutest twins I know (well, the only twins I know, but they're still pretty cute, 'specially when they shake their bootys). We might get to see Beckett pitch, which would be pretty cool. Speaking of baseball, pretty great to see He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named doubled up on a bad base-running decision tonight in the very decisive and satisfying Sox win against the Satans. Dingers!

In fish news, 3 more of our fish went to the great fishbowl in the sky. RIP fishies.


At 8:39 AM, Blogger Chris said...

My thoughts are with you! I hope whatever it is you are hoping to get (not just for the house but where to make home) you get - you deserve it.


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