Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ol' Becky

I was just in the liquor store and somehow Kenny Rogers came up - everyone in the store starting talking about his songs, which were their favorites (Coward of the County [which caused someone to yell out a line from the song which provided the title for this entry] and The Gambler mostly, though I brought up Reuben James and got some appreciative nods), how he was in concert, his first band The New Edition. I left there with a 12 pack of Shipyard Export Ale AND a Kenny Rogers song in my head. Excellent.

So, the company is ready. All 75 rent-a-crates are packed, our computers are unplugged and bagged, 14 enormous library carts were packed with books, and enough trash was generated to cover Rhode Island. The movers come at 8am tomorrow and our new space is ready and it's glo-or-ious.

Other things on my mind: not basketball as I completely forgot that there were important NCAA games tonight. Don't worry, Bryan reminded me so all is well.

The Schiavo case - the whole fight is so sad. I just can't see what's wrong with a family wanting to keep their loved one alive. They aren't asking her shitball "husband" to take care of her, just that they be allowed to. He should divorce her and move on with his life and let her parents spend the rest of their days looking after and loving their daughter. The way people (and I guess I mean politicians or social activists) in this country use a life to make a point disgusts me. While everyone fights over the 'idea' of this woman, the actual woman lies in a hospital bed starving to death. I feel a little heartbroken everytime I see her picture flash by on the news.

The school shooting in Minnesota. I was a teacher in 1997-98, one year before the shootings in Colorado. I had a student jokingly refer to 'blowing away' his classmates and teachers. It is a frightening thing to face. The fact that students are so distraught, so disturbed and so empowered to hurt their peers and their teachers in such a terrible way is beyond scary. And how difficult to be a parent in that situation, of the kid doing the shooting, but also of the victims? You send your kid to school to learn - they are not supposed to end up dying of a gunshot wound inflicted during science class by a deranged classmate.

Way to go mom. Scoring an expensive bottle of wine, a new friend and a ticket to the home opener at Fenway. You're my hero.

Ice cream. It's just usually on my mind cause it's so tasty.


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I didn't know you were a teacher once. Next time I see you I want to chat with you about that experience.


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