Monday, March 21, 2005

No title

Bryan stole my title, which would've been Madness. And, while he refers to the NCAA basketball tournament going on all around the United States, I only briefly would touch upon my horrible team-picking skills leaving me, not in last, where I would at least win my money back, but 30th out of 35. Terrible.

Anyway, the madness in my life comes in the form of a move at work. Somehow, I have become the point person for moving our entire library. Ok, not somehow, I am the librarian, but whew, I get asked a lot of questions every day and I am still a bit daunted by the thought of packing, crating, moving, unpacking, reshelving, and so on, all while trying to provide high level reference work and assistance to the teachers who are too busy themselves to care that everything around me is in total chaos.

The carts upon which I will pack the 5000 books in the library arrive tomorrow at 8:30am. I fear I will dream about shelving, labeling and categorizing for the next few nights.

Also providing some madness is the class going on outside my door at the moment. Twenty teachers are attempting to learn Chinese and they are saying words in unison over and over. I think I have to go home before I really do lose another piece of my sanity.


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