Tuesday, October 05, 2004


This past weekend:
Nothing happened. It was nice.

The Red Sox just won game 1 of the ALDS. It started at 4pm, which was a terrible time for a baseball game. I had to run to my desk between a meeting and doing work where GameDay was showing me that the Sox had taken an early 1 to nothing lead. Then at 5, we were able to turn on the tv to find it was the fourth inning and Millar was hitting a 2-run homer, Damon then hit 2 more in and Manny hit another homer. I ran to my car to hear another inning on the radio and finished up the game back at home in front of the tv. Whew. MLB is really inconsiderate. Course tomorrow night the game is at 10pm and, sadly, I will struggle to stay awake until the end.

I continue my Curt Schilling worship. I kinda wish Shonda Schilling would be struck mute for the rest of the season.

I have to mention this: Just saw a commercial on ESPN advertising the Red Sox/Anaheim series and over the clips was a cover of "All of My Life" sung in hard rock style. When did it become ok to use Phil Collins to entice people to watch baseball?

VP debates are on tonight. It will be interesting to watch the man really running the country 'debate' the man who probably should have won the nomination (if not for his lack of 30 years of Washington ass-kissing and elbow-rubbing).

My left foot is asleep.

That's all I have for you today. Go Twins! Suck Dick!


At 3:36 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I am starting a "DEATH POOL" for Dick Cheney, there's no way he survives another 4 years regardless of where he's working or living. I actually thought he was going to keel over mid-sentence on at least 3 occasions.

Tell that foot of yours to stay awake! No napping while the rest of the body must stay awake.


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