Tool Time to Reflect (better known as 'Before and After' to Jeopardy fans)
It's pretty late right now - later than I have stayed up for no particular reason in a long time - and I am sitting in my sparsely furnished office writing with my keyboard balanced on my lap. I spent this evening watching the Sox, the Apprentice (is it me, or is the Donald's hair growing?), drilling holes in a few of my walls to hang hooks for cups, towels, whatever else people hang on hooks, and putting together a large shelving unit for my washer/dryer area. I've realized a few things:
*I love Curt Schilling more and more everyday and I am thrilled at the prospect of watching him in the post season
*My stud-finder is not 100% accurate
*Particle board smells a lot like the pet store (saw dust?)
*Some screws are not meant to be handled roughly; their heads come off leaving 3/4 of the screw still in the bathroom door
*It is satisfying to sit in a room lit only with the computer's glow, a room whose walls are paid for with your own money, in your slippers and pajamas after having used both power tools and your hands to improve some of the other rooms
*As much satisfaction as I might feel, it is no fun if you have no one with whom to share it all
*I can actually picture the image of your computer screen lit office with the keyboard teeterin on your lab as you strike the keys with determination and wit.
*The Donald's hair is the 11th wonder of the unnatural world.
*One of the joys of maturity is trading holes on your body for holes in your own walls.
*Curt Schilling has been nothing short of spectacular for the Sox this year.
*The accuracy of stud-finders is inversely proportional to the type of studs you are hoping for it to find (Remember the 16" on center rule).
*If I had a nickel for every screw I've beheaded (and whose remainder was left in a wall) I would have at least 65 more cents than I do now.
*Embrace that satisfaction and know that you are never really alone.
Well said Chris. Couldn't agree with you more on The Donald and The Schilling.
sharing is overrated.
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