Friday, September 03, 2004

So much

This week has been busy with work at a real job, house stuff and baseball. The Red Sox have been on a tear, which has been delightful and amazing. Talk about shock and awe - eat that Bush administration; this is the real thing!!

Work is incredible. I have so much to do and so many appreciative people to do it for. I am going to be able to organize and grow this library within the organization and it is really exciting.

Our washer and dryer arrived, was installed, and was successfully used last evening - Woohoo. What an exhilarating feeling, being able to wash my own clothes in my own kitchen in my own major appliances. Am I living the American dream or what?? The only gripe I have is that we bought a new-fangled, high-energy saving, front-load washing machine and it is kind of slow because it really spins everything around to wring the maximum amount of water out of each piece of clothing. Good for the electric and water bills, bad for my bare ass in need of underwear.

I also had my first mortgage check clear, whew, received a second month of rent, still a little weird, and moved a little closer to a roommate, fingers crossed.

Tonight is the party for Kate in honor of her 27th birthday. Nothing special is planned, just some drinks and some food and some witty reparte. Got that, Kate, nothing special is planned. Nothing. Should be fun.

This weekend we celebrate our laboring 5 day, 40 hours, 2400 minutes each week. If we're not too lazy, Bryan and I will try to get to a beach on Saturday for the last time this summer - pray we don't blind anyone with our gleaming, white bellies. And on Sunday we're heading to Sheri & Tom's in CT for a graduation party in Tom's honor. He is a master of English education now - before he was just playing one on tv. Bryan gets to meet lots of my friends for the first time, lucky guy. I have full confidence that his Bryan-appeal will win hearts and minds.

Have a safe and happy long weekend everyone.


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