Friday, August 26, 2005

Thoughts for the week

The Red Sox need to stop losing. Schilling needs to stop talking and start pitching well.

Did L@nce Armstrong "dope" himself up? Yup, the day he lost his left nut he actually lost 1/2 his brain cells thus causing him to leave his pregnant wife (with twins no less) and take up with horsey-faced Crow. Is there an athlete not taking performance-enhancing substances?

Britney Spears had a baby shower and she got lots of "super cute things"!!! Oh. My. God. Is it too late to abort?

"Fall" allergies have begun. It's August. Did pollen get on the "let's start the season early" bandwagon practiced by department stores everywhere? WTF?

I read one of the most horrifying articles in the Boston Globe this week about an evangelical minister in Roxbury, MA by the name of Pastor Mir@nda who is gaining popularity among hispanics in the area. His mission: to reclaim the state of Mass for jesus christ. Did JC once own Massachusetts? Does he really need the whole state back? Couldn't we just give him Pastor Mir@nda's house?

My car has been in the auto body shop for nearly 2 weeks due to my stop-sign-running fellow motorist. As a result, I've been driving a 2005 Volvo S60, which is such a great vehicle. I'm going to suggest a trade - the body shop can give my '97 Toyota Avalon to the rental company and I'll just hold onto this baby.

Inspired by lists everywhere and life in general, Bryan and his friends have come up with a new project: seven of us are compiling lists of the top 25 songs (in our opinion). We will each burn our selections onto a CD (or 2) and distribute them to one another, at which time each of us will listen to the suggested 150 songs, in addition to our own 25, and we will nominate the top 50. Stats will work his magic and report to us the hallowed songs that land on this esteemed list. Therefore, I have been listening to a lot of music lately and have reconnected with some old favorites like Under the Pink by Tori Amos and Living in Clip, a live Ani Difranco album. I've also sifted through so many memories of phases of my life where one song perfectly evoked the emotion and tension of the situation. Fun. I'll be sure to post my contribution when I've made my final determinations.


At 9:29 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Curt Schilling is an assclown.

I'll never understqand the big deal about someone who rides a bike. I'm sorry, I know it's difficut to do the way he does it, but bike riding is not a sport.

Britney photos can be conveniently found in Webster's under the heading "white trash".

I'm with ya on the allergies - achoo!

i look forward to the music lists.


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