Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Sometimes the world is an f'ed up place.

Richard has a lovely friend, Addie, who is 88 years young. She has a son who is a bad man and he took her away from her home in Framingham, MA (sold it out from under her after getting power of attorney over her estate) and brought her to live in Muskegon County, Michigan. He sold almost all of her things, put her in a van and drove 20+ hours to go and live in a trailer in the middle of nowhere. She agreed to all of this because he is her son and he sold her house so where else was she gonna live. As if that were not enough of a dick move, once in Michigan, he started verbally and physically abusing her, so much so that she ran away and was found by the local police walking along a highway. The police brought her to a hospital, she refused to go back to the trailer (she's no dummy), called Richard, who flew to Michigan and brought her back home to Framingham. She is now in my mom's guest room where she is quietly reading today's paper after finishing off an ice cream sundae. Tomorrow she will go to a lawyer's office and sue her son's lawyer to get some of her $$ back and maybe even to prevent the douchebag from getting any at all. Hopefully justice will prevail...


At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the past few days I have been bonding with Adie. She is a wealth of knowledge and an avid reader who maintians what she has read, quite a feat for an 88 year old (and I loose my place without a bookmark)! She is blaming herself for being a bad mother, her son by the way was adopted and should be kissing Addie's ass if not genuflecting each time he passes by her. I am carefully boosting her injured maternal ego and planning to show her how valuable she is to a loving family. Addie was a WAC in WWII, claims to be neither Republican or Democrat, she only wants people to be kind to each other. So my query: what part of having Addie as his mom did he miss?


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