Thursday, June 24, 2004

Movies and Books

Movie watching is in full swing as we watched Meet Me in St Louis (still love that Trolley song), Wait Until Dark (terrifyingly good) and A Mighty Wind (hilariously, embarassingly awful). Tonight it's The Maltese Falcon and Singing in the Rain. And tomorrow night it's Fahrenheit 9/11, though that will be too new to make the list.

In looking at my top 100 movies, I realized that I often avoided movies made from books that I loved. In some cases, I saw the movie first, so I fell in love with it as a movie. This goes for The Shining, The Princess Bride and Jaws. In the case of Bridget Jones' Diary, I thought that the book was obsessive and annoying, but as a movie, it was brilliantly played. And a few I haven't read (imagine that!) like The Wizard of Oz and About a Boy. Here and there both the book and the movie are lovely in their own right - Out of Africa, The English Patient, Gone With the Wind, and Something Wicked This Way Comes. Out of 100 movies I consider my favorites, only 18 were adapted from books and 2 from short stories. I have no idea where I am going with this, but it is an interesting observation. I will be curious to see how many other people included movies adapted from books.


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