Friday, July 23, 2004

Boston, the DNC, and Oreo Cookies

As everyone probably knows, Boston is hosting the Democratic National Convention, or the DNC to those of us on the inside. This is occurring next week from Monday through Thursday. The DNC is causing quite a stir here in Boston. I have personally felt the effects of this massive media event in the following ways:

Sat in traffic for an hour at 11am on Thursday so that 85 work-release cons could clear trash from the sides of the Mass Pike.

Sat on the commuter rail this morning with nothing to read because the Metro newspaper dispensers aren't "incendiary-device-proofed". They were removed from all commuter and T stations last Friday and won't return until early August. I was definitely worried about reaching in for a free community newspaper and pulling out a bomb.

Home displacement: I will not be living at my home next week due to the fear of travelling back and forth from Framingham to Boston. Not fear of death or maiming. Fear of getting onto a train or highway at 8am and not getting off of said train or road until 2pm. Oh, and of having my bag searched in case I am carrying an incendiary device (with no Metro dispenser to put it in, I will carry it on me instead). I don't actually mind the home displacement because I have a happy alternative. But the hold-ups and privacy violations - crappy.

Anger at the jackass pizza seller across from the FleetCenter who put up a pro-Bush sign and then whinily refused to open for business next week because he already knows that no one will eat there due to the DNC. The story is on the
Boston Channel. I know that I will never eat at Halftime Pizza (not that I do now, but now I never will).

Added work aggravation. The Library is in Boston, near the Hynes Convention Center, Newbury Street and other possible sites and areas of interest to delegates and politicians. Not that I believe that more people will visit our Library, but management feels certain that droves of people will be induced to enter our doors simply because they are in Boston and we are in Boston. So, we have to be on the alert and ready for anything. Being on a heightened state of readiness just doesn't sound conducive to getting work done, but it might not end up being that bad.

In oreo cookie news, I had an Oreo McFlurry and it was delicious.

I am off to have a drink in Kristie's honor after work. Then to CT tomorrow for my friend Erin's bridal shower and bachelorette party - should be a great time.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Chris said...

That Halftime Pizza jackass left a bad taste in my mouth also. What a real a-hole!
Sorry to hear of your hellish displacement due to the DNC-I tend to think that a majority of the hoop-la is republican propoganda to attempt to leave the city with a bad taste in its mouth as a result of the DNC.

At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So have you abandoned Pokey and Snake?? My suggestion is to send them to the Massachusetts State Legislature to ask for a raise for their Matwo.


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