Monday, February 06, 2006


So, I've been really lax in blogging mainly because I've been maintaining two other blogs for work (I'd link to them, but they're focused on K-12 education and grants, and as such are kind of boring). The other reason I haven't blogged is this general malaise I feel about blogging. I read other people's blogs and am entertained and enlightened and then when I open my new post window, the cursor just winks at me cruelly daring me to write something interesting. And, when the most interesting thing that you do is buy wedding invitation envelopes and hang some insulation, it's pretty tough to get excited about blogging.

I just sat through a 2 and a half hour staff meeting and must leave now to go to dance class, so I'm leaving you with the taste of an empty posting about not blogging - pretty inane, but that feels about right. If that's not enough, find some warm nacho cheese and eat that...mmmmmmm.


At 7:44 PM, Blogger Chris said...

I understand exactly how you feel. Sometimes its a bit grinding but hang in there -


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