Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Case of the Mondays

Yes, that's right, I have a case of the Mondays...on Wednesday. It has been a long day and I feel like the pile of to-do's on my desk will never diminish. And my car is making a very weird noise, weird enough that I made an appointment with a garage for tomorrow morning; auto shop appointments are one of my least favorite things.

I think that planning has taken its toll. Planning for parties: Halloween and wedding, planning for holidays, planning for new programs at work, and planning for the unexpected weird car noise. My problem is that I take everything very seriously so when I have to think about all of the steps involved in pulling off a party or a new program, I tend to get overwhelmed. This is probably where the expression "the devil is in the details" came from. Anyway, I do know that eventually everything gets done, but on a day like today, where I've tried unsuccessfully to contact the hotel, caterer and an author for a book reading; and where I've successfully contacted a mechanic (which just leads to spending that holiday and party $), and been successfully contacted by one significant other who simultaneously offered me the lovely prospect of a professional massage and the fact that he would be working the morning after my one big party thereby leaving me with any and all houseguests and the clean-up. On a day like today, it just makes we want to get in my creaking automobile and drive into the semi-darkness in search of a Monday-less world.

However, not all is Monday-like. It actually being Wednesday, Lost is on tonight. And the rain has stopped for now, though it did bring a nice drip into my library [luckily, no books were affected, but water anywhere near my materials makes me a nervous librarian]. And I got this link from a co-worker for a funny anti-AHnold & his right-wing cronies web site. And lots of my friends are heading to my house for this big party, which will inevitably be a great time. And I have that wonderful significant other to go home to. And I get to go to dance class tonight, which is a great way to forget all blahs and blues. "Cases of Mondays" is why tomorrow was created, and tomorrow is Thursday. And that ain't bad.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Bryan said...

That significant other will now be working next Saturday, ratehr than this Sunday. The post-party professional massage, on the other hand, is still on.


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