Monday, October 03, 2005

That's the furriest cow I've ever seen

Well, Wang wasn't much of an issue, but drat to those damn Y***ees who can't seem to lose when it matters (to Sox fans :) I mentioned to one of my colleagues today that typical Boston fans that we are, instead of being happy that our team made the playoffs, we focus on the fact that NY also won a spot. If we ain't complainin', we ain't happy.

Despite 2 day games, we did manage to divert our attention to other things over the weekend. Things like napping, visiting Jen & Charlie in their new abode in Portsmouth, RI, and drinking tasty beer and looking at goats and a wooly cow at Hyl@nd Orch@rd in Sturbridge. We managed to return home from said orchard with nary an apple, and a resolve to forget about baseball for one day while we recharge our emotional battery for the days ahead.


At 7:01 PM, Blogger Chris said...

These days baseball has been quite draining but exciting as well. I am comforted that the wildcard team in this case at least had the same record as the first place team. I really wish things were back the way they used to be, when coming in first place actually meant something and the world championship was a credible title.


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