Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Damn you, spammers!

I've had to add word verification to my comments section cause those pesky spammers are finding new and annoying ways to infiltrate my world. Now when you want to comment, you have to type the letters in a little box so that the system knows you're a real person and not a message from a computer geek/jerk trying to sell something. Brilliant. Thanks to all you asswipes with too much time on your hands (yet not enough to go get a job to make your money) who have to send electronic junk to clutter up our already full lives.

Don't know if people are following the Supreme Court hearings, but could Roberts be any more evasive? "“Because cases are going to come up … I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to comment on that one way or another,” was his answer to his stance on the legal rights of the unborn. I understand that he wants to be nominated, but he has been pretty cadgey about answering any controversial questions, and while, this will undoubtedly secure him a spot on the highest court in our country, I can't decide if I need to worry about his appointment. If only he were 72 years old, then we would be assured of death before too much damage could be done. Wishing for the death of a not-even-appointed justice, pretty sad. Vancouver is looking better and better...


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