Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Yeah, that last post was drivel. I left off writing about China and then, due to a limited number of computers with Internet access on the latter part of our tour, I just left off.

China was amazing. I took A LOT of pictures. Here is a link to the first gazillion: China Pictures - I used snapfish to upload them so you might have to register to view them, but they don't spam ya' so it's worth it. The hour of your life spent looking at someone else's travel pictures? I leave that up to you to decide if that was time well spent.

I loved being in China. Loved learning more about this culture that is so ancient and yet so open to embracing the future and so in tune with the technological innovations flying at us a mile a minute. I revelled in the chance to walk down a street and feel like the "other", be the one surrounded by faces that didn't all look like mine. I think that all of the teachers on the tour were deeply moved and greatly humbled by the opportunity to immerse themselves in another culture for 17 days.

However, I was quite glad to come home. Home to my dashingly handsome new hubby who never let me check my email and find nothing in my inbox. Home to a house that was refusing to sell despite its "great features". Home to food that didn't consist of bits of meat & vegetable in sauce with rice. I ate A LOT of rice. It was determined while we were in China that while Americans eat a lot of the same foods, we do like to vary it up and therefore can feel like we're eating an assortment of foods: Mexican one night, Indian the next, followed by pizza. In China, they eat food. It's Chinese. It got repetitive and I was glad to come home to a burger and caesar salad and tacos and lasagna. And, home to the fact that Bryan had taken a job in Portland, Maine and that we would be moving there come hell or highwater (read: whether or not we sold the house).

I'm happy to report today that Bryan did move to Portland - we have rented a great apartment in an awesome location. There is a spare bedroom - EVERYONE is invited to visit. Maybe not all at once.

I gave my notice at work, which was difficult since this has been a great experience and I really enjoy working with my colleagues and the amazing teachers who use the library. To date, I have not found another job. I see some bartending in my future and it's not that pretty. But I'll be in Portland which is beautiful.

As of today, we actually have an offer that doesn't make me want to weep. Keep your fingers crossed (and anything else that is practical) that this works out.


At 9:53 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Glad to see you're back. I almost went to China once, I even have the VISA stamped in my Passport.

Looking forward to sharing that beer soon...back to ya on that soon.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger cda said...

How cool that you went to China! I'm glad you liked it and had such a good time. And ate so much rice.

I hope your house offer is good and that it all goes through. Congrats to Bryan on his new job!


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