Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Going Home

In the past two days, I have taken way too many pictures of Barry Bonds' ass (covered by his uniform), seen an amazing fireworks display over San Fran, drank A LOT of wine, dipped my feet in the artic-like Pacific Ocean and eaten very good Chinese food with Corissa and her parents. Not bad. I haven't eaten any pizza though, and boy do I miss Boston pizza.

It's been a fun, whirlwind trip, but I gladly head home. Having safely traveled to CA, I am now calm and confident about going it alone; however, I do wish that it didn't take so long to get there. I have always been a big fan of the Star Trek "beam me up" way of traveling; damn I wish that were actually possible, because I could be home in like 30 seconds instead of 14 hours (with time zone adjustments added in). Course, I know there is the chance that when I was beamed to Boston my limbs could be rearranged or missing all together, but I honestly think it would be worth the risk. Are physicists working on this somewhere??


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